As a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, Final Fantasy XIV be for Microsoft Windows personal computer, developed and published by Square Enix. Square Enix have today announced a big Gamescom presence for the award-winning FINAL FANTASY XIV. At numerous gaming stations at the Square Enix main booth in hall 9, B31/B41, gamers will be able…
Month: July 2015
Are you a talented, clever and deft Final Fantasy XIV player? Adventurers of Eorzea are constantly ringing the Crystal Bell to summon Jandealine, the artistic and talented Elezen who is quite possibly the busiest person in all the realm. Welcome to Final Fantasy XIV Hairstyle Design Contest. Don’t worry, you don’t need to pick up…
Does leveling to 60 seem to take ages? Could your character do with a serious equipment upgrade? Heard about a great FFXIV Gil making method, but only after it’s been overused or nerfed already? Then this Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Guide can help you out. Step-by-step leveling advice: Are you falling more and…
(Reported by From the official website of Final Fantasy XIV, there is a Transition Art Contest of Heavensward in game. The time is from Thursday, July 23, 2015 at 12:01 a.m. (PDT) to Friday, August 14, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. (PDT). It is time for Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward players to prepare the enough…
The gamers of FFXIV need to accumulate the in-game currency of Final Fantasy XIV, that is Final Fantasy Gil. To alleviate the dire need ofFFXIV Gil, the gamers can opt to Buy FFXIV Gil from the professional online gaming house, FFXIV Gil in the most affordable cost to overcome the hurdles of grinding Gil initially.…
Communication is a key component in the relationship between game developers and players. Gamers need to know if there any issues going on with their favorite mmorpg games and if anything tangible is being done about it. Sadly, the usual response from developers over problems is to maintain absolute silence until the very last possible…
In FFXIV, many rumors surrounded the isle known as Seal Rock upon its discovery in 1562, such as that it appeared out of nowhere during a great storm and was host to a wealth of treasure. In patch 3.05, the Grand Companies once again ask for the aid of adventurers in staking their claim to Allagan relics.…
Have you played A Realm Reborn: Final Fantasy XIV yet? Maybe you are unfamiliar with it, or maybe you ever ignored it. Following is the a personal experience about playing Final Fantasy XIV from a fans. To date, I’ve played and completed every numbered entry in Square’s long running series and dabbled in the some…
Don‘t be surprised when you tried to log into Final Fantasy XIV and be told unavailable. Square Enix has mysteriously brought down the servers for four hours of emergency maintenance at an unusual time. The following statement has been issued: We will be performing emergency maintenance on all Worlds at the time below. During this…
Final Fantasy XIV’s second anniversary will be hold on August 22nd. It is reported that the anniversary will kick off with a 14 hour-long livestream. Square Enix make live broadcast for Realm Reborn, Producer Naoki Yoshida introduced a few events coming soon for the fanbase of the game. The Moonfire Faire summer event will hit…