FFXIV Be Performing Emergency Maintenance
Don‘t be surprised when you tried to log into Final Fantasy XIV and be told unavailable. Square Enix has mysteriously brought down the servers for four hours of emergency maintenance at an unusual time. The following statement has been issued:
We will be performing emergency maintenance on all Worlds at the time below. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XIV will be unavailable. The World Transfer Service will be suspended 15 minutes before maintenance begins, and will be unavailable until maintenance has ended. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
Players are reporting that there was an exploit that was being taken advantage of following the implementation of a hotfix last night. Supposedly, this exploit was currency related, and was deemed significant enough to warrant a rarely encountered emergency maintenance during primetime. Maintenance will last from 7:00PM PDT until 11:00PM PDT.
FFXIV recently introduced its first expansion, Heavensward. While reception has been very positive for the title, it has introduced new issues to the game. Among these are job imbalances and bugs that have frustrated some players more than others.
Square Enix is currently aiming for the best balance and stability it can achieve before the Alexander Savage raid is made available next Tuesday (7/21). Its arrival will coincide with a 3.05 patch, one that many players hope will buff currently underperforming jobs.