Earn Rewards In Runescape Island-hopping Event
Well, you must expect the mysterious planet Mazcab In Runescape. Let’s visit it today. Tuska’s limp body hurtles towards the planet after be soundly beaten by the might of the Godless. Meanwhile, you will take one giant leap for mankind from opened portal on her back. How heroic!
As for Tuska herself, you’ll still be able to play the island-hopping event content to earn rewards, so make sure you pop back if you fancy some more action. raids, big cats, elite slayer creatures and a brand new planet await.
Firstly, you ‘ll get to meet the Goebies, a stange race of frog-like creatures with their own Airut-related problems. Tuska had gorged on the planet many years before, with a task force of warriors remaining to act as cruel overlords. The planet itself is packed full of new, exciting content for all types of players, and we’ll have plenty of news and videos about that in the near future.
This is a new take on high-lever boss fights, featuring groups of up to ten players. Each raid has a very different bit of gameplay, with plenty of teamwork required just to reach each boss fight. There are two different bosses in total with plenty of plans for more in the future, growing in difficulty and rewards.
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