The second ArcheAge Closed Beta (CBE2) event: Setting Sail
Greeting! The second ArcheAge Closed Beta (CBE2) event: Setting Sail will show on July 30! You know the first close beta event A Brighter Age is a great success! While there are many problems in the game, but the official has been trying to solve, such as the graphical errors in the game, if you using DX11, log off, clear your cache folder at: “…\Documents\ArcheAge\USER\shaders\cache” and the game will reload all textures when you log in again and fix the problem, and if you’re not using SLI, swap down to DX9, it fixes a lot of problems. Remember, all of your credits will be refunded at launch.
Setting Sail event time
July 30, Wednesday 2014, 10:00 AM PDT — August 4, Monday 2014, 10:00AM PDT
Are CBE1 (A Brighter Age) characters going to be wiped for CBE2?
No, your characters and progress will persist through ArcheAge Open Beta, the official will wipe before Head Star begins. The Open Beta is essentially a CBE just with no invite requirement. A final “live environment” stress test for our servers before live service.
How many CBEs before ArcheAge release?
No one knows when the time will release and how many CBTs will go. But you can sure this closed beta event is won’t be the last one!
How to receive the invitation for this ArcheAge Closed Beta?
As always, all Founders (Acheum Founder’s Pack) get into every Closed Beta Event! And now there is an active “A Custom Sail Contest” you have a chance to win an invitation to play on Alpha, Beta, and a Crest Brainstorm at launch. This contest starts on July 22, Tuesday 2014 and ends on July 28, Monday 2014, 12:00 PM PDT. More details about this contest, looking at official news of ArcheAge Beta Raise Your Sails Contest. Good luck and have fun!