TOTY defenders and goalkeeper
While you still accept time to get your easily on the TOTY defenders and goalkeeper until Wednesday evening, we accept a quick heads-up for you now as FIFA 15 UT 50K packs as able-bodied as Mega Packs are now live.
This is basically EA’s way of adage that if you wish a ‘better’ adventitious of accepting TOTY Ramos or TOTY Neuer, you should absorb your fifa 15 bill on the added big-ticket packs which allegedly accept greater odds.
Just to remind you, the FIFA 15 50K packs come with 12 items, which are all gold and are all rare. The description states that every player you receive is top rated, so theoretically you are bound to get something you like for dropping 50K cheap fifa 15 coins on it.
The FIFA 15 Mega Packs are also live though. These cost 35K and offer a total of 30 items. These are quite good in terms of value in our opinion. 26 of the 30 items will be gold rated, while 18 of them will be rare so it’s not bad at all.
The question is though, what are the exact odds of finding a TOTY card inside of Mega or Rare packs compared to standard gold packs? Once again, it will all come down to luck but we hope that some of you have managed to pick out some of the new TOTY cards.
We see that EA get a bad reputation on Twitter unfairly in our opinion, but are the odds really that bad when opening these promo FIFA 15 packs?
Let us know how many cheap fifa 15 coins you have spent since TOTY went live on Monday and if you have managed to pick out any rare cards. Don’t forget that the TOTY midfielders will be going live later on Wednesday evening, so save some coins!